The charter of the SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI association

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and must act towards each other with brotherly respect.”

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948.

All over the world, children, women and men live in situations of ever-increasing insecurity, vulnerability and inequalities. Our world, shaken by serious crises, economic and social changes, ecological upheavals, is characterized by power struggles and interdependence which impact the lives of people and societies. This observation is a factor of solidarity.

By joining SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI, people commit to promoting:

Mutual respect and dialogue, conditions for the common life of human beings and societies.
Respect for the diversity of cultures and traditions which enrich the human community and promote its development.
Reciprocity and complementarity which are the source of exchanges of ideas, experiences, knowledge to act together.
By relying on the fundamental rights – economic, social and cultural – civil and political enshrined

in the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights which came into force in 1976.


SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI is committed to its mission based on collective reflection, the exchange of experiences and the desire to:


Provide humanitarian aid and act through solidarity actions with populations in difficulty.
Fight against exclusion everywhere, in all its forms and without discrimination.
Provide assistance to civilian populations within the framework of its emergency unit.

Only total adherence to this Charter by all stakeholders of SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI will guarantee, in the long term, the success of its actions to respect human dignity. Each member of SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI adopts and undertakes to respect the principles defined by this Charter.

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