Legal Notice

This site is published by the Association SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI

1A Place des Orphelins – 67000 STRASBOURG
Phone. : 06 72 17 51 91
Nº SIRET : 900 118 803 00015

Nº APE : 8899B

Information about the association:

Association SOS Développement International Solidarity DSI

Registered with the Strasbourg Judicial Court under VOLUME 100 FOLIO 92 on May 7, 2021

Director of publication: The President of the association: Julienne Vion



Hosted in Paris (France) – Planet Hoster Company – Head office: 4416 Louis B. Mayer – Laval (Québec) H7P 0G1 – Canada


General conditions of use of the site:


Site content

Despite the significant updating work carried out by our team, the content of this site may contain incorrect information. If necessary, the elements concerned may be modified, updated or corrected upon express request to SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI.


Since the information cannot be verified in real time by SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI, we invite all visitors to the site to also carry out all necessary and useful checks on their own.


The elements presented on this site are subject to modification without notice and are made available for informational purposes only, without any guarantee, express or implicit, of any kind and cannot give rise to any right to compensation.


Links to other websites

Hypertext links to other websites may be mentioned on the SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI website. This distribution is carried out for information purposes and the content of these sites does not engage the responsibility of SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI: it is the entire responsibility of their owners.


Links to

References by hypertext links can be made freely to the SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI website.


Intellectual property

No reproduction of the content of this site (data, information, logos, illustrations, scripts, HTML codes, etc.), even partial, other than those provided for in article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, may be made without the express authorization of SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI, in accordance with articles L111-1, L122-1 and L122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code (CPI).


The SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale DSI logo may only be used by our partners and any use must be the subject of an official request to




Creation of website 


Website creation by Digidream, expert website design agency. Digidream creates showcase sites, e-commerce sites and redesigns all types of websites.


All websites created are personalized to the expectations and needs of each client. They have a tailor-made web design, excellent technical performance and a very good user experience.


The sites created by the Digidream web agency are developed using CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, Prestashop or WooCommerce. Depending on the client’s functionalities and needs, websites can also be developed to measure using computer languages.


Digidream operates throughout France, and offers, for example, the creation of websites in Lille, Strasbourg, Marseille, Bordeaux, Saint Etienne, Reims, or Paris.

The logo was created by EMA (Students of ENGEES Engineering School of Strasbourg).

The images and illustrations used on this site are royalty-free or from professional image banks.


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