Despite the efforts made by the government, Cameroon is one of the countries whose situation is the most critical with almost 9,000,000 inhabitants not yet having access to drinking water despite the country’s significant water resources.

Populations in rural areas are the most affected with 56.5% of inhabitants not having access to drinking water.

For them, water from rivers and backwaters constitutes the only accessible source of water. The dry season seriously impacts access to water. The backwaters near homes are drying up.

All that remains are the rivers, the only accessible water points. Furthermore, access to water points remains a real ordeal for the women and children who are responsible for this chore.

In this context, they have to travel several kilometers, and with global warming, rivers are gradually losing their flow.

To deal with this situation, the association SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale set up the drinking water drilling project (1 water tower and 6 standpipes) in Kelleng, the village located in the Province of Bati , in Cameroon.

This village has only one water point in the dry season, the Liwa River. It loses water flow and is invaded by nature, which endangers access to water for local populations.

The objective of SOS Développement Solidarité Internationale is to carry out this project within 18 months to 2 years.

For drilling, hydrogeological studies are carried out in search of water tables.

Then, we dig to the depth that proves necessary, allowing a significant quantity of water, abundant in the long term to satisfy the needs of the population. Followed by the construction of the borehole up to the masonry structure bollards/fountains.

The water will be collected, analyzed in a laboratory in town and treated before being released for consumption to residents. In order to sustain the services, maintenance of the infrastructures after their construction will be necessary in the long term.

This is why the training of four young people was considered. This will allow, in the event of a breakdown, that there is someone capable of carrying out repairs and troubleshooting. Residents will have the assurance of not running out of water in the long or very long term, preventing populations from finding themselves in the current situation of drinking unsanitary water due to infrastructure that has become obsolete.

The Liwa River is the only accessible water point during the dry season, losing its water flow and being invaded by nature.

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